Opening hours

  • 12M to 22:00 Hrs general schedule.
  • 13:00Hrs to 22:00 Hrs winter schedule.
  • Check-out time 8:30 Hrs.
  • Reception open until 18:00 hrs.
  • 22:00Hrs IS BEDTIME



Season of operation

Open from March to the end of November. (There may be variations) Please contact us if you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.


It is clear that the Camino is a journey that requires physical, mental and emotional effort, therefore you must prepare yourself before your trip for the different stages, you must inform yourself about the conditions, the terrain, the weather, the costs, the possible unforeseen events.

Making the Camino is both an individual and collective responsibility, therefore you must be aware of the decisions since they may involve places or people.

In my case and after managing and leading this hostel for approximately 20 years I can and dare to give some recommendations, I hope they serve firmly and help you make your trip more easily.


1. Be careful with your body, hydrate it, put on sunscreen or cover it when it rains to avoid colds, read the recommendations carefully and ask for the opinion of the people who work on the Camino, since we have a communication network and we know news in advance about the Camino.


2. A sleeping bag, appropriate shoes and light luggage are highly recommended.


3. Take care of your belongings, the road is generally safe, but do not neglect your personal items.


4. Hostels are shared economic places used for rest, abide by the rules, schedules, and respect for the people who work here, as there are many people who love the road and work for free for your service.


4.1. When you arrive at the hostel, say hello, there is nothing nicer than hearing a voice saying hello when you arrive.

4.2. Be polite, we know that the road is exhausting and your effort has consumed part of your energy, but the hospitable people will be happy to help you.

 4.3. Respect the schedules, the spaces, be organized and clean, keep in mind that the hostel will be used by more people and this makes the work of the hospitable people easier, (an action that we greatly appreciate).

4.4. Put garbage in its place, try to respect the recycling containers for waste as much as possible, your garbage is your task, remember that the responsibility for waste does not end by throwing it into the container, we have a planet to take care of.

4.5. Respect the spaces in the hostel, leave the kitchen clean, the bathroom organized, your bed and backpack packed.

4.6. When it's time to sleep, respect the schedules, respect the beds, silence is vital and important.

4.7. When it's time to leave, if you go very early, respect those who are still sleeping.

4.8. Remember your belongings, and have a good trip.


5. Be careful where you sit, generally the path is also a route for many animals and therefore there may be bedbugs, fleas, ticks, if you bring or suspect that you have been in contact with one of these little animals, please notify the hospital staff, they know what to do in this case and can help you.

6. Enjoy the path, enjoy the people who live there, who work there, who walk there, we all have stories, we all have things to share and tell, ask permission when passing by, when picking up some fruit or item.

7. You are not alone on the path, there are entities that take care of you, do not hesitate to ask for help, to ask for advice, to use basic services.

8. Thank you for coming to the path, for us it is exciting to see new people every day, thanks to this we are rich in culture and we hope that you too will be filled with this energy.


Consultas y reservas

+34 948640797
+34 622184325 (whatsapp)

También le invitamos a usar nuestro formulario de contacto.

Travesía del Estanco, 5
31210 Los Arcos

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© Albergue La Fuente Casa de Austria 2023